Monday, August 11, 2008

Traveling from Eger to Croatia

We left Eger around 8:30 a.m. after a quick stop to a pharmacy for more gauze for Parker's nose. Instead of taking the M3 (major highway) to the Budapest airport, the driver avoided traffic and gave us a scenic tour of the Hungarian countryside. Sunflower plants were blooming everywhere but we had a couple of uncomfortable boys on the trip because of upper respiratory congestion.

Again, we waited, waited, waited at the Budapest airport to take a plane which lasted only an hour. We then had a half hour drive into Split. Upon arriving close to 3:30, the boys were excited. After checking into their rooms, they immediately jumped into the Adriatic. Parker got into the water up to his chest. The pool and hotel is on the water. These Santa Barbara boys thrive in sea air. Mark's comment was, "...if you came to Split first, then went to Hungary, you would be really bummed."

The boys scrimmaged for a couple of hours. Objectively, or as objective as I can be as a parent, each boy is having equal playing time and Mark is focusing on each boy equally to help hone their skills. Watching them play and learn is quite enjoyable for the chaperones.

Dinner was great. We were served green salad for the first time on this trip. After dinner, Mark asked the boys if they wanted to walk into town. The consensus was that they were all too tired. Within five minutes, they all decided they would meet in the lobby and walk into town anyway. Being in Split is like experiencing the French Riviera. There's alot activity in the evening. Checking out tonight. Will post more tomorrow with the boys' schedule.

An aside; there is a contest to see who can grow the most distinctive facial hair. Don't worry; we'll take photos of the boys but they'll be cleanly shaven when you see them again.


david said...

not sure how this works but....
hi brandon. hope all is going well and you are having lots of fun.
be sure to take lots of pictures so that i can experience the trip too.
i love you and miss you.

love dad

david said...

brandon, hope you are having lots of fun. please take pictures so that i can experience the trip later.
i love and miss you.

Anonymous said...

hi dad

Europe is great, and I am doing well. I am taking pictures and so is everzone on the team, so we'll share and Ill.

I have to go so ill post later.
miss you and L sazs hi too

love, brandon

ps tell everyone hi