Saturday, August 9, 2008

Thermal Baths at Night by Ian

One of the sights that we have been looking forward to since we were traveling to Hungary was the thermal baths in Eger. Last night, Friday night, the team got together around 7 pm and walked over to the baths. We arrived at what seemed to be the front gate to find that it was uncharacteristically vacant. We were confused because posters around the entrance said that there was bathing between 19:00-23:00 on Thursday through Saturday. Luckily Mr. Peterson, who had been swimming at the baths knew of another entrance. We got in for around 800 ft. a person and after changing went to the first pool in sight.

After frollicking in waist high cool waters around a plastic castle we were kicked out by a guard who pointed out a sign which said "ages 2-14". Jeffery was the most disappointed of the group because he was having fun playing with giant cement mushrooms which he would jump off of.

We then proceeded to a sizable pool that had a bandshell that was about 10 feet off the water along with an indoors portion and sunken concrete lounge chairs with jets in them. In the indoor portion there was a u-bend which had jets that created a current so you could float and be pulled by the current.

Although this pool was fun we still hadn't found a "warm" pool. By exploring, the smell of sulfur drew us towards a smaller sized pool with greater odor. This is the pool Kenny had the first date of the trip. After chatting with 3 local girls from Eger for a while, Paul lured Ken over to talk to them saying that he would be back in "two minutes". After at least 5 minutes Kenny figured Paul wasn't coming back and that he would be the only guy talking to the girls. Hence, Kenny won the category in the betting series as having the "first date". (And so far, the hottest).

Overall, it was a good night filled with cute girls, water and scalding showers reeking of sulfur.

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