Friday, August 8, 2008

Playing with the Canadian Junior National Team

The boys played a sluggish game against the Canadians today. Their team ranged from ages 19-16. They arrived at 3 a.m. this morning from Montenegro through London through Frankfurt through Budapest with lost luggage. Tired and worn, they beat the boys, but not too badly. The Santa Barbara boys just didn't seem to have their timing.

The treat today was Carter showing up, tired but happy to be with his team, for lunch. There was a big "Hey Carter!" as he stepped into the back patio where we have our lunches and dinners. He's a bit jet-lagged. The boys will be playing the 16U Eger team this evening at 6 p.m. It'll be a nice, easy game after the Canadian game and a good game for Carter to slowly slip back into playing water polo again.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Lawrence, Evelyn, Tom and Dave, we are really enjoying the updates AND the PICS!! Thank you so much.

We're missing Chris. Only had to go to the grocery store once this week. Have someone give him a big bear hug for us.

Cindy, Jim, Em and Lucy