Sunday, August 10, 2008

Leaving Eger

It is early morning, around 6, and as always, I am the first one stirring. The hotel has been having problems with their internet connection so I'm down in the hotel office sending off this blog report. I'm not speaking for Dave but I'm sure he shares my same sentiments. It has been wonderful to read and publish the posts which all of you have sent to Parker and the rest of the boys. I hope that you go back to the entries on the blog and read the comments sent.

After Parker was hurt, I saw an interesting phenomenon take place. The boys coalesced and seemed to need to be with each other to support Parker. All were adversely affected by his injury for each of their own reasons. All found comfort in supporting Parker and supporting each other by keeping Parker in their hearts and minds. The boys became a family in spirit. And family spirit makes a team. So if there is a silver lining in a dark cloud, the silver lining is that these boys are becoming a team where another team member is more important or just as important as each other.

Parker's spirits are high, at least in front of the chaperones. He has been taking homeopathic traumeel, has had acupunture administered, has been taking Bach Flowers, has been icing as much as possible to keep the swelling down. I will continue to administer acupunture daily to help with the healing process.

The bus comes for us at 8:30 this morning after breakfast. It can take up to 3 hours to reach the Budapest airport because of traffic. Our plane leaves around 1:20 and should arrive after 2 in Split. I'm sure the ocean air will do all the boys well. We'll post in Split when we get settled.

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