Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Request from Julie

For some reason or another, Jeff hasn't been in some of the photos posted on the blog. I'm sure there are a few of him on photobucket. Some of the boys have been homesick. And I'm sure that you, as parents, have been homesick for your boys. I've loaded more photos on the photoblog without any explanations; I thought you might want to see the town and perhaps some snaps of different activities. So, for you, Julie, here are some photos of your boy's smiling face.


Anonymous said...

Evelyn, Lawrence, Tom and Dave~
We can't thank you enough for keeping us so well connected with our guys! The information that you send each day gives us a nice taste of what the team is doing on a daily basis and the pictures couldn't be better. We love the click-on thumbnails! It is great to see the boys smiling and having fun too. This beautiful location is inspiring the next group of chaperones to volunteer now. I wonder if Julie and Loren will let us have a garage sale at their house even if Jeff has graduated from SBHS? It's never too late to think about fundraising for the trip!

Parker, you are incredible! You are certainly making the best of what could have been a dismal experience. It is great to see you and hear that you are in good spirits. As other parents have pointed out, you are a role model for each and every one of us.

Bren, all of your close-up pics look like you are having the time of your life-keep it that way! We are so grateful that you are having this experience.
Between Young Life and water polo you have traveled to more places then your Dad and I have in our whole lives and you are only sixteen years old! Enjoy every minute. Take care of each other. We love you, Bren!

Your family XXOOXX

Anonymous said...

Words could never express how truly grateful we are that you are leading our young men on the ultimate adventure in their young lives. First of all, it must be said that for parents having you lead the group was what gave us the peace of mind to see our boys travel such a long distance without us. As a leader you possess a calm confidence that is both reassuring and inspiring to your team and their parents. Thank you for EVERYTHING!

Give your Coach a big hug from us!

Kermack family