Saturday, August 23, 2008

Last Night Awards

The last night each boy was given a "Gag" award, chosen for some remarkable thing they did during the trip. Also, Tom managed to get the all "meat" meal for the boys. Mark was given, by your boys, a wonderful workout suit. I guess they know how much he gives them; I know that you know how much they appreciate him.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dave not here but the hotel doesn't know it...

Hey, Dave, all the chaperones miss you being here. You offered a light heartedness that no other chaperone can offer. That is extremely remarkable since Parker's nose was broken at the beginning of the trip. As I've said before, and I will reiterate, Parker's injury probably brought the boys together in way that could not have been expected.

Every meal you have a place set for you. All of the chaperones say, "That's Dave's place." Honestly, we miss your presence and humor. We all know you have a weddingl

Parker's nose getting a little better

You Go Hunter

Hunter had the fortune, or misfortune, to practice eggbeater drills with that tire around his neck. Ow! As you can see from some of the photos, it wasn't necessarily a pleasant experience. Hunter has had to block some really incredible shots from the Hungarian, Croation, and South African players. He's gotten a lot of good practice. The goalies on the other teams which the boys have been playing against have either been parents or national team players. As a parent watching the scrimmages, I've noticed that the boys are talking to each other alot more.

Photo of Poker

Ken was amazing in his luck, and probably his mathematical skill, playing cards. He seemed to get the right cards at all times.

19 August 2008, Hotel Jadran

Lawrence is using the computer upstairs, so I must use the Croation computer which is really confusing. Have not posted on the blog for the past few days because our main focus has been trying to keep these boys reasonably healthy. I think the last post was about the historical tour of the palace. The boys were supposed to go to the beach later that day but opted out because of just being plain tired. They have been having two trainings a day for the whole trip. These boys win the award for hanging in there, training, keeping up good spirits and a sense of humor throughout having the European Crud. You really have to applaud Mark; although he has the Crud too, you could never tell. He jokes around with the boys, works different ways of keeping their spirits up and manages to engage them in games of poker, or whatever. Regardless of Lawrence and my last name, we are not gamblers and do not know how to gamble. A couple of the boys, Ken and Paul, did not want to buy into the poker game that night (a mere 4 kuna=1 $). I told Ken he owed me to play because I bought water for him that day. I owed Paul to play because I managed to lose his Visa Card to get him back in the US. Ken ended up winning 120K; Paul came in second winning 60K. Great investment. And I think the boys had a good time. I will upload images of the game when I have access to my computer.

Again, the boys are, naturally, homesick. There is already discussion about stopping at the Habit or In and Out on the way home.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Diocletian Palace

"Please check out the photos on photobucket regarding the Diocletian Palace. I'm sure that, as water polo players, they weren't expecting a two hour tour of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Besides touching Gregorius of Nin's big toe (auspicisiously giving luck to who ever touches the statues' toe, the boys learned of the history of Split, the Palace, from 280 A.D. until today. Ivo was a great tour master who tried to give the us an understanding of the art, political,religious, and economical history of Split.
"Split achieved famed when the Roman emperor,,Diocletian (AD 245-313), noted for his persecution of early Christians, has his retirement palace built here from 295-305 A.D." (Croatia, Lonely Planet)

Boys' Posting

Good to know from the Kerwin-McElroy's last response that Brendan is posting on FaceBook. I hope that the other boys are posting to others also. We, as all chaperones, have tried to get the boys to post on this blog. But, maybe the blog is only for the parents and the boys need to communicate to others in their own way.

So, the above photos are taken after the boys' practice. There is a cafe on the Adriatic outside of the pool. After the practices, the chaperones some times take time to watch the sunset a few moments before dinner.