Sunday, August 10, 2008

hello parents well yesterday was a bit of a downer to say the least !!! its really rough to sit by and watch your boy get pommeled ruthlessly by our canadian neighbors !!parker however has made me so proud ..what a warrior/ we spent several hours in the hospital from hell where no one spoke a single word of english and all the other patients were drunk homeless types...after a giant tetnus shot a rather large actually huge female doctor rebroke his nose it was not a pretty sight ..again im amazed at his spirit ..he was calm .. forgiving ..and and filled with parker good nature ..i feel like those most blessed dad in the world .. im wanting to jump in the pool and kill the canadian chump and his respective coach while my more mature son is filled with good spirit and kindness ..he must have thanked our hungarian hospital host 100 times..anyways if your the praying type please pray for him or send him positive vibes as we know the next few months are important ones for seniors sats college recruits polo etc..he is dishearted really wants to help this team be the best they can be ...on another note you parents should be soooooo proud every one of your guys is amazing ..they are kind funny loving and full of life its a honor to be with them ..they are teaching me more about life grace and joy then i could ever teach them ..several guys gathered around parker this moring and poured out loving prayers yeah their polo is getting great your going to love cheering them on ..and mark is a saint ..


Unknown said...

Thanks for the update Dave. Parker is tough as nails and I'm sure his teammates are proud of him too. It will drive him crazy not to be in the pool with them for the rest of the trip. I really appreciate all the updates and photos here from all the posters.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow parker. Loren and Brad and I will definitely pray for your speedy recovery and return to the pool. I know that you make a great cheerleader although that is not what you went over there for. Keep your spirits up...and Dave, I am so glad that you were there for him. I am sure that your presence made a huge difference. Love to everyone, Julie

Anonymous said...

Just spoke to my sister in law who is a nurse...she says to get some Arnica for Parker to stick under his tongue, the sooner the will help with the swelling and bruising so he looks presentable for all those wedding photos. Can probably get it at a pharmacy type is a homeopathic remedy. Julie

Dance in the Rain said...

Dave, I can only imagine the pain you are going through. There isn't anything harder than watching your child get hurt. I love your expression of pride and your description of Parker in the hospital. Ever since I've met Parker I've been touched by his gentle spirit, his remarkable poise and his consistent appreciation for the people around him. There is an incredibly deep love that reflects from his soul. He is a blessing in all of our lives.


Cindy said...

Dave, Parker never ceases to amaze us -- his show of class and character in a truly adverse circumstance will be remembered long after goals, and games and seasons are over. You can be very proud. We are proud to know him, and thankful to have him in our lives.

Hope this next week holds lots of great moments for all!

Cindy & Jim