Friday, August 15, 2008

daves post

hi all you moms dads brothers sisters girlfriends etc... well i must say again what a delight it is to spend time with your boys/men...each one of them is so caring ,fun, and filled with life sad because i leave this sunday and am really going to miss them..sports are so great they provide so much learning and life skills and your boys/men they are eating it up here in croatia.parker is on the mend and given the green light to get in h2o but no polo for a few more weeks so the beak can heal. anyways in just a few short weeks we will all be together cheering on the dons im sure you wiil be impressed with the teams incredible improvement.once again thanks for sharing the guys they miss you all and especially miss their own beds lets just say the rooms are no 4 seasons!! also a huge shout out for my chaperone teammates ..i must say its been a blast..finally mark walsh is fantastic how fortunate we are to have him coaching our MEN !!
ps parker just read this and said girlfriend line is a mistake since there are no girlfriends!!however not for lack of effort ..they are on 24 hour prowl in croatia and there are plenty of future wife opportunties in split .WOW


Dance in the Rain said...

Thank you for being there for the boys. I know you've made the trip enjoyable for each of them. Special thanks to Sue for sharing you with the boys even as she prepares for Whitney's wedding.


Unknown said...

Dave - Thanks for your support with the boys, and thank goodness you were there for Parker!!!! I know we all thank you for the stellar Art Direction and your fine chaperoning skills - Enjoy the remainder of your summer and your daughter's huge milestone in life.


Deb Ploch