Tuesday, August 12, 2008

From Parker

Hey I just wanted to thank everyone who has been thinking of and praying for me. I am so lucky to have so many people that suport me here in Europe and at home. You will be glad to know I am in very little actual pain. The most it hurt was when they reset it I wont go into details but lets just say the doctor was not to happy that she had to come in on her day off to help some random water polo player. At the moment however it hurts very little sleeping is hard but during the day it is just very anoying and uncomfortable because I have pugs in my nose, these plugs are the devil. They make it very difficult to eat, drink, laugh, talk, and do many other daily thing that otherwise would not be a hassle. These plugs come out tomorrow morning and I can not wait its a little like christmas. This experience though helping me with the ladies because I can play the sympathy card has not helped my physical apperence. I look like a mix between shrek, my dad and frankienstien its not pretty. One of my favorite past times is to grawl at people when they stare and see there reaction its pretty funny, also I have become quite used to young children running when they see me (Whit the wedding pictures should be fun). Though it is very uncomfortable and I am dying to be playing polo here, something I have looked forward to for a while, I am trying to stay positive and make the best out of my situation. What happened happened and there is nothing I can do to change it except make the best out of it and do everything I can to learn from the experience. Also I have forgiven the Canadian guy for doing it, though its fun to joke about him like I hate him, he just got a little carried away like we all can get so please do not hold any grudges against Canada or Canadians. Thanks so much for all the love and support I hope everyone is doing well. Eger was really cool and Split is one of my favorite places on earth. Thanks.

Parker Peterson


Unknown said...

Parker - You have shown your team mates such amazing character and your sense of humor during this setback should be applauded. Just remember, this is a good story and you will get great mileage from this experience. Give yourself a big pat on the back and... go give Homer a BIG "HUGGIE BEAR HUG & KISS" from his MOM.

Enjoy yourselves!

Deb Ploch

Anonymous said...

We haven't had the internet during the move and vacation so we are just emerging from a communication delay. We were so disappointed to hear about your experience, Parker. It is apparent that you handled yourself with class and grace. We are so proud of all of you and we couldn't have a better group of young men representing Santa Barbara, our school and our country. Savor this experience and have a wonderful time. Bren, we miss you and love you very much! By the way, Darcy is enjoying your new room!

i broke dads laptop

Anonymous said...

Parker, your spirit is amazing. It shines brightest during these difficult times. We could all learn a lot from you...

Hearing how wonderful Split is, I bet some of you are rethinking this college thing and are trying to figure out how to work out a return trip to this paradise! So happy all of you are sharing this experience together.

Jason, we all miss you! Well, maybe not Amber...she's enjoying your bed! Looking forward to hearing all of your stories.

P.S. Remember your uncle...

Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Parker, your spirit is amazing. It shines brightest during these difficult times. We could all learn a lot from you... I hope tomorrow (with the plugs out) is a much better day.

Split sounds incredible. I bet some of you are rethinking this college thing and instead thinking how you can fit in another trip to this paradise! So glad you're getting to experience this together.

Jason, we all miss you. Can't wait to see you and hear all your stories.

P.S. Don't forget your uncle..

Love, Mom

Dance in the Rain said...

Good morning Parker
You've been in my thoughts. Your are a remarkable man. I love your spirit and your understanding of the value of forgiveness. It isn't a simple concept especially when you have been intentionally wronged, but I have found that forgiveness is very powerful when it comes to healing.

I can't wait to fill you in on Kukio. Neil and I will be there (thanks to your dad) next Sunday.

Ask Ken to give you a gentle hug from me. Love, Leigh

Anonymous said...

Parker, You are so studly dude. Not only are you courageous, strong and an amazing physical specimen, you're nice!!!!! Does all that ever come in one package? Loved your blog commentary, thanks for the inspiring words. Its good to know you arent in that much pain. I will find you a face mask for when you get home. In the mean time, soak it all in and continue to turn this delicate situation into one of the best for everyone, as you so obviously have done! Again, you are my hero and every mom should be so fortunate to have a Parker! I know on that team, many do! You all together make a really strong intity, maybe this is exactly what you all needed to make this senior year all it can be.Love, laugh and pray...be good. I love you!!!!!mom